Personal Training
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Elite Retreat, Thailand 2024
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Skipping breakfast is one of the most effective ways to pack on the unwanted pounds. You don't eat during your sleep so when you wake the next morning you probably haven't eaten anything for around 8 hours. Skip breakfast, grab a quick coffee and you're probably looking at a total of 10-12 hours without food. You're body has entered into fasting mode and it's ready to store the next meal that's ingested. Likelihood is, if you skip breakfast, your food choices are poor too so your body's forced to hold onto nutrient void food. Do yourself a big favour and eat breakfast. It will provide you with energy to get going and will most likely sustain energy levels throughout the morning.
See Eat Breakfast, Lose Weight.
If weight loss or improved body composition is the goal, then you have to eat carbs at the right time of the day.
As a general guideline the best times to consume carbohydrates is with your first meal after a workout. Straight after your workout the body needs carbohydrates to help aid recovery and support the muscle building/fat burning processes.
Unfortunately, the majority of people aren't exercising enough, and are consuming too many carb rich foods leading to expanding waistlines from the age of 30 and beyond.
When we do exercise, we often choose aerobic activity over resistance training. This is an issue because running doesn't build strength or muscle. Infact, it can decrease our lean muscle tissue leaving us with less metabollically active(fat burning) tissue and more metabollically inactive tissue, making fat loss extremely difficult. The best exercise for weight loss is weight training. It increases your fat burning hormones, builds lean muscle and speeds up your metabolism.